Download Security Forms

Instructions and Checklists for Permit Applications


Visitor: 1 to 3 days

  1. AVSEC 001C form must be completed
  2. Submit application 3 days in advance before the applicants first day of visit.
  3. The Visitor must be escorted by a valid Permit Holder.
  4. Letter from the employer form must be attached to the permit application form
  5. Certify copy of ID/Drivers licence OR valid Passport must be attached to the permit application form
  6. Valid certificate or code of conduct must be attached to the permit application form
  7. Work Visa for Foreign Nationals
  8. Permit Cost is N$92-00 per day per person


Permanent: 1 to 2 years

  1. AVSEC 001B form must be completed
  2. Submit application 15 - 24 days in advance before the applicants first day of work.
  3. Background check form must be attached to the permit application form
  4. letter from the employer form must be attached to the permit application form
  5. Certify copy of ID/Drivers licence OR valid Passport must be attached to the permit application form
  6. Valid certificate or code of conduct issued by the Namibian Police Force must be attached to the permit application form
  7. Work Visa for Foreign Nationals
  8. Mandatory Safety and Security Awareness training is required by permanent permit holders before they resume duty at the airport
  9. Permit Cost is N$254-00



Download Security Forms

Visitor Permits Application Form AVSEC - 001C


Permanent Permit Application Form AVSEC - 001b


Employers Background Checks Form


Permanent permits for persons and Vehicles are issued on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 09:00 - 16:00

Clients must ensure that all permit application forms are printed in colour and returned to the Airport Permit Office.


Kindly take NOTE that the permit prices are subjected to change.



Contact details:


HKIA Permit Office is: 061 295 5600/ 83

